Tuesday, November 29, 2016

After the fire

Every day, each of us has a motivation that keeps us going. This motivation happens for the most different reasons. Because we have a child waiting for us at school, or we have a dog that gives us joy when we get home, or we want to be researchers to find a cure for a disease or because we simply love someone.
Even in the most difficult times, we have something that gives us strength.
These motivations can create small or big impact, certainly some have more value than others but all of them are important.

Life after destruction.

At SobreiroMods, they take forest fires very seriously. As most people know, Portugal is a very hot country in the summer and there are only three months when the temperature is low. The propensity for fires in the forest is very strong. In addition, there is no efficient forest management, as is the case of most countries.

They want to make a small contribution. This is one of the main motivations for Sobreiro Mods producers, an environmental commitment and responsibility for revitalizing biocapacity and preserving "the lungs" of planet Earth.

The Reforest initiative provides Sobreiros Mods customers a direct link to this cause and assigns a personal stamp on the increase of environmental sustainability on the Planet. The name of the country or place covered by the project will be included in each model, indicating its contribution to the reforestation of a given region.

To make the project viable, Sobreiro Mods has established a partnership with the association "Plantar uma árvore" (Plant a Tree) in the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park.

Buying Sobreiro Mods products, will be an effective contribution in this matter.

The project intervenes in reforestation of areas devastated by fire, cultivating new tree (native species) and taking care of them until they reach adulthood.

This is one of the videos of this association:

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